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The Sacrament of Baptism

We welcome and congratulate families who wish to pass on their faith through the Sacrament of Baptism! Baptism is the basis of our entire Christian life. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as children of God.

(For information on baptism celebrated in Spanish please contact Juana Jasinto-Cruz at

  • Step One - Baptism Data Form

    Complete the Baptism Register Baptism Form and return it with a copy of the child’s birth certificate. This form can be completed online in the PDF and emailed to

    Baptism Form
  • Step Two - Parent/Godparent Preparation

    Parent / Godparent preparation is required for baptism as a means of understanding the promises you will make to raise the child in the Catholic faith. Preparation is currently taking place as a home study. We ask that parents and godparents watch The Reborn Series on a Catholic website called FORMED and complete the Study guide linked here. This is a six part video series; we ask that you watch sessions 1, 2 and 3. Each video is between 25 - 40 minutes in length.

    To access FORMED, go to - Under "Find your parish or Organization" - Enter parish zip code: "27284" Click "Holy Cross Church in Kernersville NC;" Click "Next" Enter your name and email and then click "sign up.” One logged in, click on the tab programs, then select sacraments to find “Reborn.”

  • Step Three - Godparent Forms

    The godparent is a spiritual role model, a living example of the Catholic Christian life, and the official representative of the Body of Christ, the Church, into which an infant/child/adult is being baptized.


    Please note that in order to be a baptismal godparent, the following sacraments are required: Catholic Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, if married, in a marriage recognized by the Catholic Church, if not married, living a life of chastity, as well as being over the age of 16 by the baptism date.

    Christians of other denominations whose baptism is recognized as valid in the Catholic Church may serve as a Christian Witness for the baptism of a Catholic. (This would not include an individual who was baptized Catholic but no longer practices the faith)

    You can choose one female and one male godparent. Baptism can take place with just one godparent.

    Choose your godparents (see below for how to choose godparents) and have them submit the Godparent Testimony/Sponsor letter from their home parish. Godparent forms must be submitted before scheduling a baptism.

    Sponsor Form
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