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Faith Formation

Formación De Fe

Pre-K through 5th Grade

Pre-Kinder en Quinto (5) Grado

Faith Formation Calendar 2024 - 2025

Calendario para Formación de Fe

Celebrating the Sacraments

in Faith Formation

Celebrando los Sacramentos en la Formación de Fe

First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation are traditionally celebrated in second grade. Requirements for the Sacrament include two consecutive years of Faith Formation prior to the Sacramental prep year. All candidates in Faith Formation, Catholic Schools or Home Schools are required to participate in the sacramental preparation classes before receiving the Sacrament of Eucharist.

La Primera Comunión y la Primera Reconciliación se celebran tradicionalmente en el segundo grado. Los requisitos para el Sacramento incluyen dos años consecutivos de Formación de Fe antes del año de preparación Sacramental. Se requiere que todos los candidatos en Formación de Fe, Escuelas Católicas o Escuelas en el Hogar participen en las clases de preparación sacramental antes de recibir el Sacramento de la Eucaristía.

Are you a Godparent or Sponsor?

¿Eres Padrino o Patrocinador?

Find all the information and forms you need for this very special time here.

Encuentre aquí toda la información y registros que necesitas para este momento especial.

Call Us

Religious Education and Formation Offices have a different phone number than our main office!


Religious Education and Formation Staff

Juana Mayra Jasinto-Cruz

Coordinator of Elementary and Hispanic Formation

Geraldine Abinader

Coordinator of Family and Youth Evangelization

Ellie Bermudez Lozano

Administrative Support Specialist

Visit Us

We are located in the upstairs rooms of the Brisson House on Holy Cross Campus.

Office Hours are 12:00 - 8:00 pm, Sunday through Thursday.

Appointments are also available.

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