On December 9, 2023, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith released publicly a "Responsum ad dubium," which is a reply to one or more doctrinal questions that have been asked of its consultants. The responses that the Dicasteries offer are usually given directly back to the person who has asked them. However, sometimes the replies are published publicly when it impacts the universal Church by means of doctrine or practice. This particular response regarded two questions about how to handle cremated remains.
The Church has always favored full-body burial after the celebration of a funeral Mass. In the case that the deceased person or the family has a reason to cremate, the best practice is to perform the cremation after the funeral Mass and before burial/interment. When handling cremains, the Church has up to this point required that they must be kept complete and together. Together they must also be interred in a columbarium or buried in the ground; they must have a final resting place, preferably in a sacred place. If not in a sacred place, the ground is blessed by a minister during the commital. If there is no reasonable intention to prepare a final resting place, the Church requires that the funeral rites be denied. It is also prohibited to scatter cremated remains.
Culturally, it has become very popular to divide the cremains for various reasons. Sometimes the cremains are divided up into many urns so that the family members can all have a portion. Other times, ashes are divided in order to be transformed into jewelry or pendants. These are all options that mortuary services can offer in order to "keep your loved one with you." Up to this point, all these options were not allowed for Catholics.
The document issued on Dec. 9 states that "the ecclesiastical authority, in compliance with current civil norms, may consider and evaluate a request by a family to preserve in an appropriate way a minimal part of the ashes of their relative in a place of significance for the history of the deceased person, provided that every type of pantheistic, naturalistic, or nihilistic misunderstanding is ruled out and also provided that the ashes of the deceased are kept in a sacred place."
All of this means that there is the possibility that a tiny portion of the cremated remains could be divided off and stored separately providing that:
I am sure that we will learn soon about the process of such requests. It seems prima facie that the ecclesiastical authority will be determined by the local bishop and how a family might make a request.
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